Southfield Close, Driffield, East Yorkshire, YO25 5YN



Driffield Northfield Infant School

Welcome to the Foundation Stage page, home to the Ladybirds and the Butterflies class! 

Your teachers are Mrs Wainwright, Mrs Buckton and Miss Kelly.

Your teaching assistants and nursery nurses are Mrs Harman, Mrs Raines and Mrs Flintoft. 

The children embarked on an Autumn walk around the grounds today and here are some great pictures that the children took themselves!! 

Eat other great week in Foundation Stage! The children have been learning all about people who help us in the Driffield community and have been super interested in this topic. We have also done lots on patterns and weighing which the children have taken on board and done this in their play. We have also been learning all about Autumn and we have started to learn our Harvest festival songs which we are very excited to show you! 

We have had a great few weeks back at school with our new classes. We have been so busy playing, reading stories and making friends. The children have learnt our routines of the school and are settling in really well. We thank you for your support so far and look forward to working with parents and families in the future. 
Here are some pictures so show you what we have been up to! 

Foundation smashed sports day, well done everyone! We had a fabulous afternoon and it is safe to say we were very tired from all the great activities! 

Yo ho hi me hearties! What a great week learning all about Pirates. The children have got into character and really enjoyed the different activities we did. We even had a cinema and watched a pirate film with ice cream as an end of week treat for working so hard. 

Happy world bee day 2024! 

Some pictures from our busy week full of minibeasts, reading, music and counting! 

Our Earth Day inspired pictures 2024!

Another great week in Foundation Stage! The children have had some more snails in the classroom, this time they are garden snails and they have been very interested in learning about them. The children have discussed all kinds of mini beasts and enjoy looking for them outside. We also looked at the artist Matisse who had made a snail which is in an art gallery. The children had s go at making their own snail collages and they turned out fantastic!

The children have loved reading our new story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt therefore we thought it would be a great idea to set up a campsite and BBQ and imagine they are looking for a bear in the great outdoors. It has brought some great conversations out of the children and a fantastic use of vocabulary!

The children also decided to make their own band called ‘Northfield band’ were everyone had a part either singing, dancing or playing the guitar. 

Another fab week in Foundation Stage. The children have loved learning about the three billy goats gruff, especially the troll! We are looking forward to our next story, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. 
Have a fantastic 2 weeks off and we will see you for another great term of learning

The children have been introduced to the Billy Goats Gruff as their new story and they have loved hearing all about it. They especially love the stinky troll! A task this week was to have a go at making something for the goats to get across the river without disturbing the troll. It has been fantastic to see children really using their imagination and creativity! 

Another great week in Foundation! From frogspawn, to tadpoles to tulips to teddy bears picnic it has been yet another busy week of learning.

World Book Day 2024, what a great day!!

Yet another busy week in foundation… when is it not!! 
The children have continued engaging in Goldilocks and the Three Bears activities such as fine motor skills, painting and role play. The children have really enjoyed going outside and loved using the large numicon and putting them in the right order. 
We introduced some frogspawn into the classroom which got the children really hyped up. It created some great discussions about what they think it will turn into and how long that will take. We are excited to have some new class pets in the classroom to observe and investigate! 

The children have enjoyed learning all about Lunar New Year!

The children enjoyed using their gross motor skills this morning and afternoon with their session on the balance bikes! The children played games, went slow and fast, round obstacle courses and even down some ramps! The children had great fun and did some great listening. 

The children have had another busy week this week in Foundation Stage! The children have been finding out what everyone’s favourite fruit is by using pictograms (the most popular was strawberry!). They have been exploring colour mixing by getting messy with the paints! We have also looked at Valentine’s Day which encouraged the children to make their own love heart arts and crafts as well as writing and drawing cards.

This week marks the end of our current story The Gingerbread Man which the children have thoroughly enjoyed!! We couldn’t do the Gingerbread Man without having a taste… so the children enjoyed a well deserved treat this afternoon and had their own very own Gingerbread man! 

To mark children’s mental health week, we have decide to give out some very special certifies to the children during parents evening to show our appreciation. 

Number day was a success! The children have enjoyed singing number songs, discovering new numbers and doing number activities. Thank you for all your donations and for coming in non-school uniform. We have had a great day! 

Another great week in Foundation! We have spoken all about teeth and how to keep them clean. We have also been exploring our new story The Gingerbread Man. The children have really enjoyed retelling the story and making their own gingerbread men throughout the week. We have also had the speakers and poms poms out and made up some dances to our favourite songs! 

The children have had their science hats on this week as they have been investigating all things to do with ice. The children predicted where it would be best to freeze the ice (inside or outside) and they also predicted where it would be best to melt the ice (in the shade or in the sun). The children did a fantastic job making their predication and really enjoyed being scientists. 

Here are some pictures from Christmas in Foundation 2023!

First week back after the half term has been a busy one! The children have enjoyed telling us about seeing bonfires and fireworks and making pictures all about their experiences. The butterflies had a great time gardening too. 

Another great week in Foundation!

The children have had another great week at school this week! We have been learning about people who help us in our community and we were lucky enough to have a guest come in and speak about being a nurse. This sparked some great play between the children. They have been dressing up, putting out fires, making their own emergency vehicles and even being hairdressers for the day. 

As well as this, the children are also encouraged to use kind hands and have loved decorating some kind hands of their own to always remind them. We used the parachute this week too which the children really enjoyed. 

Another busy week in Foundation!! The children have been enjoying all the Autumn activities and getting stuck right in. The activities have been creating great discussion and some inquisitive questions.

The children have learned some new sounds this week (g,o,c,k) which they are really enjoying. They love spotting things that start with their new sound! 

Next week we will be looking at the topic People Who Help us. We have some amazing activities planned and we even have some visitors to come and see us. 

On Monday 25th September we held an information workshop for parents and carers to tell them about how literacy is taught in Foundation Stage and how they can help at home. Please see a copy of the presentation below and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

The children have enjoyed investigating some sunflowers and even found a little bug which was called a green shield bug. The children loved using the magnifying glasses to take a closer look at the animal and the different parts of the flower. It created great discussions and plenty of questions! Some children loved the sunflowers so much that they had a go at painting the sunflowers. They looked closer at the different colours and created their paintings. It has been another great day in Foundation!

The children have settled in really well at school and have enjoyed exploring all the different areas. Such as the wood kitchen, mark making on the whiteboards, bouncing around outside on the bouncy hoppers and experimenting with magnetic fishing rods. We can't wait to see what the children achieve in the next year to come! 

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